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Welcome to Gingle Kidz

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Gingle Kidz preschool is only preschool whose curriculum is based on 4Qs. It is an advanced and affordable high-quality educational institution that provides a safe and nurturing environment for young children to learn, grow, and develop.

Why Gingle Kidz?

Why Parent Choose Gingle Kidz
Gingle Kidz Preschool provides a caring, friendly and fun environment for 2- to 6-year-olds. Our nurturing, homely and creative environment offers not only a gentle introduction to social life beyond the family but also helps each child to develop independence and fulfil their potential.
Gingle Kidz Preschool is well known for its unique teaching pedagogy (Play Way Method including four personality pillar EQ, SQ, IQ and PQ) that shapes the young minds, fostering holistic child development.

Our Vission & Mission

Our Mission is to provide an advance and affordable education pattern for all the children, where they feel loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential.

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We are committed to fostering strong, trusting, and respectful relationships with children and their families, creating a supportive and nurturing environment for growth and learning.

Professional Teachers 90%
Artists 85%
Psychologists 97%
  • We put children first
  • We create a quality nursery environments
  • We encourage an honest, open culture
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Skills That Children Will Learn

Importance of Preschool Education

Early childhood, defined as the period from birth to six years old, is a time of remarkable growth approx. 80% with brain development at its peak. During this stage, children are highly influenced by the environment and the people that surround them. Preschool Education is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child’s social/emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical needs to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. Preschool has the possibility to nurture caring, capable and responsible future citizens.

what parents say

Testimonials About Gingle Educare

आस पास बहोत स्कूल ढूंढने के बाद मेरे बच्चे को इस स्कूल में डाला । प्रोग्रेस अच्छा है , इसको यहां स्कूल में आना बहुत पसंद है । स्टडी भी अच्छा करता है मैं तो कहूंगा बेस्ट स्कूल ऑफ नेरल है ।

Dhairya’s Parents 

Dhairya’s Parents 


चांगला आहे अजून लिहिण्यावर कवर झाला पाहिजे

Parth’s Parents 

Parth’s Parents 


स्कूल ओवरऑल चांगला आहे, टीचर्स वगैरे चांगले शिकवतात, इव्हेन एनवोर्मेन्ट चांगला क्रिएट केलेला आहे इकडे, मुलांना लवकर मॅच्युरिटी कसा येईल ह्याच्यावर पण फोकस केलेले आहे. ऍक्टिव्हिटी भरपूर कण्डक्ट करतात. आणि थोडासा पीटी आणि स्पोर्ट्स खूब इम्पॉर्टंट आहे त्याच्यामध्ये फोकस करायला पाहिजे. बाकी ओव्हर ऑल खूप सुंदर आहे .

Yadnya ‘s Parents 

Yadnya ‘s Parents 


हम रेयांश पाटिल के पेरेंट्स हैं । 

 * रेयांश में 2 सालों में बहुत growth दिखाई दिया है
* Not only in education बल्कि physical activit में भी।
* बहुत shy पहले था पहले, अभी सबसे बोलने लगा है। बातें करता है मस्ती करता है। 
* स्कूल मतलब सिर्फ पढ़ना नहीं होता स्कूल मतलब they are in place जहां वो enjoy करे। . वो सब Gingle Kidz में हो रहा है।
* We are happy की हमने डिसीजन लिया था रेयांश को यहां पर भेजने के लिए। 

Reyansh’s Parents

Understanding preschool review by mothers 

* बहुत सुधार आ गया पहले से पहले जिद्दी थी। अब पढ़ाई लिखाई अच्छे से करती है। 
* गांव से आई थी तो पहले कुछ नहीं आता था अब तो आता है पढ़ना लिखना।
* स्कूल बहुत अच्छा है टीचर भी सब अच्छे हैं।

Jiya’s Parents 

* नर्सरी में हमने डाला था अभी सुधार है।
* ठीक पढ़ते हैं अच्छा पढ़ाते हैं। 
* हमारे टाइम पर भी ऐसा स्कूल होता तो अच्छा लगता । 
* ऐसा स्कूल गांव में रहता तो और अच्छा रहता। 

irshita’s Parents 

  • सुरुवात चे आठ दिवसांमध्येच खूप चांगला रिझल्ट याचा भेटला .
  • आता हा सीनियर ला आहे इथे याच्यापुढे पण याची चांगली रिजल्ट येतील , आम्ही अपेक्षा करतोय.
  • स्कूल तर फारच छान आहे , आणि इथले जे टीचर्स आहेत ते पण छान आहेत. 
  • इथे प्रकृती पण चांगली आहे खूपच छान आहे.

Devansh’s Parents 

  • स्कूल आम्हाला आवडतो , खूप छान आहे. 
  • मुलांना सांभाळून घेतात. 
  • पहिलं काय यायचं नाही इथे टाकल्यानंतर आता लीना पण येतो अभ्यासामध्ये अजून चांगला केला पाहिजे.

Shreya’s Parents

Gingle kidz preschool is a really great school. Be it’s studies or any activities are very nice and teaching methods for students are very nice. Most importantly the children’s are take care are very well. All the teachers in the school and caring aunties are all the best.

Yamini Mhase

This school is very beautiful, the children are taught in a good way, the children are disciplined. I have also enrolled my son in this school and my children are progressing very well.

Aishwarya Patil

Excellent school for children’s. Supportive teachers, all staffs are very good. Gingle Kids school one of the best school in Neral.

Vandana Singh

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